I went to a new yarn store today.
HHMmmm... I wasn't overly impressed. Not much of a selection and most of the yarn I could go to Micheal's or Hobby Lobby to buy. I did buy one skein because she happened to have the brand I was hoping she'd have. When I go into a yarn store I want to touch and feel the fibers that I am reading about in magazines and pattern books and reviewed in the blogs I read. Aside from 2 brands I recognized and the others that could be bought in chain stores, were brands i hadn't heard of but she did have anything knitted up in them. If you don't make something how am i going to know how it behaves?
The owner was in and very nice, she has an entralac wip and she did show me a little bit but i want to take a class so hopefully she'll send me a newsletter.
I'll just have to watch my inbox.